Sunday, September 15, 2013

Scenic View

Everyone says to let it go.

As I sit by the window I see thousands of people sleepwalk to solitude. Their heads are up but their hearts are down. They shuffle their feet to the beat in unison. One man thought he'd distance himself from the crowd only to find himself pulled back in. It's universal and imminent. Led by day dreamers and followed by enthusiasts the pack continues. Never stopping, always growing.

Another light goes off in the city.

From the other window I see cherry blossoms. I see elderly couples in robes and kids with pogo sticks.  Chalk lines the streets and feeds the minds of those who dare to listen. I see angels, demons, Gods. They fight over which is theirs to claim.

Another pedal falls.

I wish you could share this scenic view with me. It's too much for me alone. Everyone says to let it go.

Another dream goes.


  1. You posted(:
    And what a great job you did. If I was somebody, I wonder who I would be in this post. You can't know how badly I wish I could paint a picture of every post you write, but I'm not that good of an artist.

    As granted...

    If you want to post more, that's just fine with me.

  2. "feeds the minds of those who dare to listen." beautiful by the way.
