Monday, April 15, 2013

Big Hard Sun

I'm leaving.

And I don't plan on coming back.

I'm going to the place where they told me only existed in dreams.  Where the running water summons you to the call. Where the sun beats down on your skin and replaces blood with belief.  I'm going to the place where man is afraid of, and poets dream of.  Where they write, and write, and write, but never truly feel.  I'm going, because I can feel my heart slowly losing life as I walk down halls filled with disbelievers and hypocrites.  I feel my smile fade as I look out the window and only imagine.

I don't want to imagine what could have been.

I want to live.

Come with me. Let's go and never look back.  We can swim in the running water, and lay out in that big hard sun. Let's leave behind this world.  Let's be human again.

And maybe under that big hard sun, we can smile together.