Thursday, October 3, 2013

star gazing and hand warmers

Winter trees and burning wood.  Some things we know by heart.

To tell you the truth I never knew who I was gonna be when they asked me where I'm heading. We all have the ability to deceive.  Call it a gift from the devil.  Something to send us on our way.

Sticks and stones break bones, and words hurt.  But your eyes give me stab wounds to the chest. In case you were wondering, I'm jealous of your strength.

Do you ever think "why me"when bad things happen?  I'm sure the truth sounds good at least two times a day, like a broken clock.  And If not, fake it to show the world you're trying.

Sometimes I wonder if God meant to give us such curious minds.

We all need a happy ending. And a new beginning, but if birds are smart enough to fly south, can't we look up for inspiration? And down for motivation?  Even we need to feel important.

So lets raise a glass for the things that make us feel alive. For street lights and hand warmers. And someone give Jiminy Cricket a hug for encouraging us to wish upon stars.

The view is beautiful from the other side of heaven.


  1. "and words hurt."
    " I'm sure the truth sounds good at least two times a day,"
    "Sometimes I wonder if God meant to give us such curious minds."

    This whole thing was...just so good. I really liked it. ...beautiful.

  2. I was going to post a few lines that I liked, but the whole thing I loved. So I couldn't choose favorites. Just sayin. Yeah, I love that whole thing.

  3. Winter is coming. Hand warmers are more like soul warmers. This reminds me of good days, and leaves a good feeling, something very inspirational. Thanks for the grand post!

  4. You should post about the next thing that inspires you. Ehhh? (;

  5. Wow I really miss you. Like I don't know if I can take it anymore. I just really miss you. Love you.
